Best CDP isolation device you use?

I was wondering what CDP isolation devices you have used and what worked best and why in your system. Any input on bang for the buck at various price points would also be helpful.

DH Cones and BDR cones I have found to make a cange in sound but never for the positive IMHO. The best bang fo rhe buck ise is Symposium Rollerblocks and or The Aurios versions. I have more experience with the Symposium products but I heard the Aurios stuff under my friends system and it made things sound much more cohesive but still more congested than my rollerblocks. The rollerblocks combined with a super plus or ultra shelf is the best I have heard to this date and I have expreimented with isolation products. The BDR cones are silly when compared to the Symposium products. Granted they are loads cheaper...
I have also heard excellent things about Walker Valid Points from ears I trust.
1/2" balls on top of 3 Aurios pros on top of Symposium ultra on a rack resting on more Aurios pros.
Resolution Audio Opus 21 sitting on 'large' DH cones (the smaller rubber feet on the cdp are junk). This sits on a Machina Dynamica Nimbus, which in turn, sits on a custom made Sound Anchor platform (w/spikes going through the carpet and a three-point contact on top).
I found the Clearaudio Magix to work very well. They are expensive, but when you consider they totally decouple the CDP via magnets from any floor/shelf born vibrations, it's probably worth it. You can also save money by not having to invest as heavily in specialty equipment racks or bases.