Best CD player under 5000

I am in the process of replacing my 10year old phillips CD-80 with a new player. What are your recommendations I prefer tube but am looking at all. Thanks

Showing 6 responses by sedond

czbbcl, what kinda preamp do ya have? i, too, was innerested in better cd-sound, but i listen to fm & analog more than cd, so i *really* wanted to upgrade my preamp. in the process, i found that a killer toob preamp (mite be true w/killer s/s preamps, too - i dunno), besides greatly improving my winyl & fm, pretty-much leveled the playing field w/cd-players, at least w/those under ~$3000. an $1800 alchemist cd-player & a $3000 resolution-audio cd-50 offered no meaningful improvements over my retail $500 nad cd-changer when run thru a cary slp98, a rogue 99, & a melos music-director preamp. (i ended up w/the melos). & it's not like my system isn't revealing - my meret re monitors, w/wery detailed focal inwerted-dome tweets & eton carbon-fibre woofs, are wertically biamped w/a pair of electrocompaniet amps, & i run a subwoofer system below 60hz, w/a pair of vmps larger subs. i own the the alchemist, btw, & it's in the basement, awaiting its place in a second system i'm gonna set-up in the compootah room. the nad, w/its 5-disc conwenience, remains in the main rig.

so, if ya got $5k burning a hole in yer pocket, ewe mite wanna consider splurging on a gnu top-line preamp, & spending only $500 or so, on a decent modern cd-player, like an ah-tjoeb or a cambridge audio, or...? that way, yule improve all yer other sources, & if/when the digital format wars are ever decided, yule be ready to buy, awreddy having a great preamp!

one person's opinion, doug s.

ya, sure leafs, whatever... don't knock it 'til yuve tried it. no, i dint try a $5k cd player. i *did* try i highly respected $3k cd player, tho, & the results were as reported above. sure, perhaps spending $5k or more *will* get ya more resolution w/a better cd source, but i don't tink cd hardware is worth spending lotsa money on rite now, w/the current state of flux over future software standards. or, perhaps, as ya say i'm tone-deaf.

me, i tink it's a matter of priority tho, cuz getting a premier-quality pre-amp made a *huge* difference in the sound of *all* my sources - vinyl *and* fm, as well as cd. and, these sources *are* worth upgrading, cuz improvements *can* be heard when doing so.

since most of my listening is to winyl or fm anyway, i don't need that nth degree of whatever musical walue cd has to offer. even the best cd rig can't compete w/a good winyl set-up - the most expensive cd-players can only do so much. i got 95% of what *any* top-line cd-format source hardware has to offer, yust by using a great preamp & a decent source. mebbe i'm tone-deaf cuz i've never heard *any* s.o.t.a. cd set-up sound as good as a well set-up $3k analog rig, but i don't tink so. ;~)

doug s.

ps - please find someone else to pick on - don't ewe tink this is gettin' old, yet? better still, try not picking on anybody.

leafs, as far as abandoning a preamp goes, even w/the resolution audio cd-50, known as being one of the best to use, run straight-in to an amp, i tink its' better to run it thru a preamp. so what if it *is* a tone control? if it sounds better, it sounds better.

i agree w/yer gigo theory - it's yust that, w/cd, i tink the 95% level of the best of what's out there, starts at ~$500, and the *best* of what's out there is still behind good winyl. believe me, i *wanted* someting like a res/audio cd50 to make a big difference in my system's sound - i'd have bought a used one, or someting similar, if it helped. but, mebbe i *am* tone-deaf, as ewe say - i yust happen to tink it's my nice toobed preamp. ;~)

and gregg, sorry ewe don't like my funky-jive - it's only cuz i like to have fun w/language that i do it, it has nuttin' to do w/tryin' to get *any* type of response. i have no pre-supposed accepted audio accumen, nor am i looking for any pre-determined acceptance of my posts. all i am is someone who likes to listen to music, interested in bettering the experience, & interested in discussing what i've heard w/others also interested in a better listening experience. sometimes, i agree w/other info here, sometimes not. sometimes i try tings suggested here, sometimes not. some folks style i like, others not. oh *well*...

re: the topic at hand - being as the pursuit of this hobby is, in many cases, influenced by budgetary considerations, i'd rather listen to a $500 cd-player thru a $4500 preamp than a $2500 cd player thru a $2500 preamp, or a $5k cd-player run straight into an amp, etc. yust my opinion, ewe & anyone else are free to disagree w/me, & please do so, & post yer experiences, equipment inwolved, etc. i'm always up for learning, & improving the sound of my stereo...

doug *tone-deaf, pre-supposed audio-guru* sedon

gregg, tanks for yer apology - it was unexpected & most appreciated. :>)

leafs, while i know i'm not the only one who thought a certain mr. eber could be uncivil at times, i don't condemn a product yust cuz some yerk thinks it's the holy grail. i've heard the cd-50 & i tink it's a nice player; lotsa other folks much more reasonable than a certain mr. eber *also* tink it's a benchmark at its price-point.

paul, i don't bother ewe any more? jeez, now isle have to come up w/someting else! damn!!! ;~)

paul & leafs, i *do* like winyl much better than cd. cd is ok, but i don't have the budget to pursue further improvements - at least i *tink* i don't: the alchemist & resolution audio players dint offer further improvements for me. but, i *am* all for improving the sound of my digital playback; tho i have less than 100 cd's, i tink the redbook cd format will be w/us a while longer, as the format wars continue. so, i am up for suggestions for a used cd system in the $1-1.5k range that y'all (or anyone else) tink mite give me better redbook cd sound.

regards, doug s.

as i've seen emc-1's for as little as $2k brand-gnu, perhaps when the 24-192 wersions come out, the 24-96 wersions will meet my cheapskate approval guide, & isle czech one out. at least, it'll match my electro amps! ;~)

doug s.

radni, i dunno fer sure, but i'd bet that the cary cd-player is some yapanese player (originally assembled in h-k), that cary buys, then modifies in the usa. this is common w/lotsa hi-end players. call dennis had & ask him - i've found him to be quite cordial & frank...

doug s.