best CD player or DAC under $1000

What is the best CD player or DAC for under $1000.00? How musical can a player or Dac be fot that money?
I think the best buy out there is the Adcom 750. That retails for 1250, and you can pick up a used one for $750. Next to that is the Denon 1650. It's their $1000 retail player. I have heard the Rega Planet is a great player too. If you want to go CD only the Sony XA7ES, and the Cal Audio (cl10?) have variable outs and are very good sounding. I own the XA7ES. The Resolution Audio line, and the Theta Miles CD player can also output directly to amp, but I have not heard them. All of these can be had for 1300-1800used, and 2000-3000 new.
You can get a used/demo Audio Note CD-2 for $800-1000. It's a tube output honey. Especially these days, people are unloading them to upgrade to the CD-3; I'm thinking of doing this myself. In any event, the CD-2 is smooth, sweet, and unintrusive. Jeff
YBA CD Integre, I tried them all, best player to my ears, close second was the NAD Silver series...