best cd/dvd player in silver?

I posted earlier about a cd player but the wife would li ke to see an all in one CD/dvd player so I am looking
for the very best player I can find in silver no less. MY system is as follow bryston sp1 ,aragon 8008 , bryston 6bst , sony dvd 9000es, b&w nautlius 802's, htm1 and n805's with a asw 2500 . with audioquest and bryston interconnects and caldera speakers cables for the main. Right now I am thinking about Arcam fmj dv27 that just came out. I would appreciate any and all help. thanks

Showing 1 response by wenterprisesnw

One suggestion is the Phillips SACD 1000. It is the first multi-channel (six available channels, and yep, it will do two-channel as well) SACD/DVD video/CD player available on the market. For $2k retail, it's a bargain value. At least Stereophile thought so when they reviewed it in April. We cannot say yet on the sound ourselves, we will just have to wait unil it arrives. We would be glad to tell you what we think when we have received it and audition it for a little while. Oh yeah, it's in silver.

Happy shopping!