Best Cartridge for Less than $500

I have a SOTA Comet turntable with a Rega 300 tonearm and a Grado Gold cartridge. I would like to upgrade my cartridge and am looking for recommendations. My budget is $500. (The rest of my setup includes a Dynavector P75 phono-preamp and Aragon 8008BB power amp.)

You need to be careful about forming an opinion about a cartridge too quickly. For one, they require a good bit of break-in to develop their true signature. Typically 60-hours and sometimes as much as 200-hours is needed. They'll start brighter than they end up. Also, VTA is critical and can make one sound hot or flabby, depending on the direction of the mis-adjustment.

Lots of components do better after break in, but speakers and cartridges can start out really ugle and later turn into a beautiful swan.

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Thanks all - I went with the Denon DL 103R, which I found for $315. I am waiting for it to arrive.

In my brief analog career (6 plus years) I have not heard a cartridge that is the "crem de la crem" as my Denon DL 103 plain jane (no R designation)NO It's not perfect but what is? Having owned the Dynavector DV 20X-H (lovely cart btw, but overpriced)IT stays in it's case, Shure V-15 mkIV (I think) nothing allows you to merely enjoy the music with No FUSS,NO HYPE,with none of the Audiophile trick,mega-buck jargon having...BLAH,BLAH BLAH. etc,,, do yourself a favor and consider this cartridge as long as your pre can handle it's rather low-ish output 0.3mv...And DON'T make the same mistake I made and mount it within one of those beautiful ebony or panzerholz bodies!! forget it, ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW! these carts can be had for under $250 so do yourself a favor, stop here and spend the rest on vinyl,then as your sytem matures as your taste does, then consider other more substantial cartridges or MAYBE not
til then

just my two pennies
Braab8: Just to be clear on this, are you saying that mounting your 103 in an Ebony or Panzerholz body did NOT improve it? If that's the case, which body did you try and who did you buy it from?