Best cartridge for Frosten-modified AR XB tonearm

I have a nicely restored XB on a new real walnut plinth, with Steve Frosten's modified tonearm that uses sapphire bearings.  I'm willing to add mass to the arm and the counterweight if I need to, and I'm wondering what the BEST cartridge I could buy for it would be.  I'm not looking for the best budget cartridge.  Started with a Stanton 681EEE, moved through the vintage Shures, and now have a very smooth SAE 1000e, but it is a high output MC.  I'm looking for a low-output MC cartridge that's not too low compliance for this arm.  Thank you for any help! 


There is a bias implied since I represent them for the USA, but we are all grown here ( almost all :) ) so you can check out and research.

Aidas Cartridges Lithuania makes two models in what they call a Baby version, for arms that require lighter. The top Mammoth Gold comes in a baby version ~ 7g 13cu

Tedeska makes the silver wound Torres and the copper wound Lacote both in the ~ 7 to 7.5g area and 12 Cu. Note: these are standard mount models not the SPU fixed head type they are also known for.

Either way this is in the best at any price league imho.

Would ~ 7g to 7.5g and 12 or 13Cu be a good match in your estimation? There are two VERY good carts I work with in that range...