Best Car Stereo

Does anybody listen to music in their car? I am thinking about treating myself to an old 911 or something and thought it might be fun to put some tunes in it. Does anybody keep up with this subject, from an audiophile's perspective? I keep seeing ads for McIntosh but don't know if it's any good. Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by sedond

buy an alfa, & yule be happy w/the music eminating from the engine bay... ;~)

regards, doug

i tink canton makes about the best car speakers around - i have a set in my daily-driver alfa gtv6. but, i must confess that the alpine cd-player/head-amp has been sittin' on a shelf in the laundry room for ~5 years, and my ~90-mile daily commute is done w/a big hole in the dash where the radio is supposed to go! ;~)

doug *i "drive" when i drive* sedon