Best caps for speaker crossover?

Hi, I'm looking to upgrade my speaker with better caps in the future. I've looked into several options and I have heard that Auricaps, DynamiCaps, V-caps, and Sonic Caps Platinum are very good. Anyone made comparisons? Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by jeffreybehr

What are the cap values? Some are QUITE large, and replacing with, say, TRT D-Caps would cost hundred$.

Personally, I've been very satisfied with NorthCreek Zens in large values--they seem a little smoother than, say, SCR/Solens/Axons--with TRT D-Caps as smaller values and bypasses on the (larger) NCs. But the SCR/Solens/Axons are unbeatable in quality v. performance, especially in large values.

See for a highly experienced person's opinions on cap quality.
Dracule, I use the M-Cap Sup. S/Os in my ASL 805DTs as couplers--a 2.7- and a 0.47/1200. I use M-Cap Supremes, a 6.8- and a 0.47/800 in parallel, as a bypass on the final B+ rail for the output stage. I can't tell you exactly how these particular caps sound, as I changed LOTS of stuff in the amps--see for some details and also for the Audio Refinements Pre 5 6-channel preamp in which I've used the S/Os as couplers.

The modified amp, when compared with the stock amp, sounds less gritty/grainy and retains more instrumental- and spacial-decay info. I'm sure some Golden-Eared Audiofile could describe lots more differences, but that's not me!

I had forgotten how much this fellow loved both of the M-Cap Sups. Madisound sells them in the US--