Best Buy Preamp SF 3SE or BAT50SE

Looking to move to a Tube Pre Amp from SS. I am leaning towards SF Line 3 but I am concerned about some reveiw saying SF preamps sound almost SS. Has anyone had any experence with the SF Line 3se. any comparason between that and BAT 50se. Any recommeded good dealers willing to work on line or good dealers in NY/NJ areas.

Showing 1 response by lew4

Gbright, thanks for the feedback. I have heard the BAT 50SE and it sound great. I have also heard the SF3 but not the SF 3SE. I had hoped to hear it at the NY Audio show but SF did not demo it. Nor did any other manufactures use it to demo their equipment. This makes me wonder those the SF3 compete in the high end market with the BAT 50 SE, CJ and others. Because I have heard the SF3 se I am still on the fence on this one. Thanks again for your feed back.