Best Budget system? $500-$750 tops

Partially out of curiousity and partially because I am pondering this myself for a second set-up, can a moderately musical system be set-up for $500-$750???


(cabling, stands etc. would be above and beyond)

Here's my submission:

I first heard a pair of Kirksaeter Silverline 60's at a local dealer and was impressed for their size and price, they were also modestly paired with a Pioneer Elite A35r integrated amp and multi-disc CDP (forget model). There retail price is $850, however I've seen them go on here for more like $300. So...

CDP - Pioneer Elite DV-45a $240
Integrated - Pioneer Elite A-35r $165
Speaker - Kirkseater Silverline 60 $300

Total - $705

How musical that system is is questionable, but for the price I beleive it would be musically tolerable. In my case the system would be background and entertaining only, so I think it would perform pretty well in those functions.

So, what's your BUDGET system look like?

Showing 1 response by aroc

Source first.
$325 EVS Millennium DAC 1
$75 some digital IC
$50 some transport, like my Marantz which was $50 used.
$50 used IC
$100 used headphone amp or DIY
$100 Grado SR 80 headphones
$75 Walker SST (a must!)
$2 commercial grade outlet
ca. $700

or with vinyl ...
$300 Music Hall MMF-2.1
$20 Dayton black chrome spikes (to defeat the music halls suspension)
$125 Hagerman Bugle RIAA battery powered
$100 used headphone amp or DIY
$50 IC
$100 Grado SR 80 headphones
$75 Walker SST (a must!)
$2 commercial grade outlet
ca. $700, less if you get these at a good price.

For non-headphones

$400 MG-0.5/QR or MMG used (or maybe Vandersteen 1C, 1B, 2Ci)
$80 Panasonic XR-25 (store demo)
$80 Whatever CD/DVD transport, probably Panasonic

But truth be told, I would just watch thrift stores, garage sales, and eBay and score some vintage gear.

Or maybe do some DIY fostex bookshelf speakers and get something like those $200 ASL wave-8s or wave-20s and something directly into the amps, like a PC, CD discman, mp3 player - everyone has something like that laying around somewhere.

The problem with this budget is how to you do SET amps at this price? You can't afford the IRON!