best budget integrated amp for rock n roll music?

--creek 4330
--cambridge audio a500
--audio analogue puccini
--audio refinement complete
--rega mira
i have B&W 302 speakers (small bookshelf type) and play cd's mostly. usually rock -- Dylan to Mission of Burma/Husker Du/Aerosmith -- some jazz and classical. opinions? other suggestions? thanks, ken

Showing 1 response by darkmoebius

Drop the Puccini (including SE version) from your list, it doesn't do a good job with rock. I compared the dual transformer(SE) version against an AR Complete, and found the Puccini's low end response to be loose and slightly blurred. The Complete, though, rocks with authority and conveys a mnusicality that simply draws you into the music. It is extremely well amde, has a great remote, and at $600-650 used is steal.

BTW, the Complete is something that you can continually upgrade the rest of your system around. I had the B&W 601 & 602 series2 speakers in my system for a while, and the Complete drove them with authority. Great bass, luscious mid's, and helped sweeten their occasionally shrill tweeters.

To put it in perspective, I am about to make the jump to a $10k+ system(new, actually $4.5k used) and the Complete is staying in my house. I'm just moving it to my office or bedroom.