Best budget $300 Balanced IC Recommendation

I have a Cambridge Azure 840C with both Balanced and SE outputs. I have been using Kimber KS1021's with Black Pearl silver and copper stranding. Anyway, I wanted to try the balanced connect and ordered a pro cable for about $20. I could not believe the results! The pro XLR cable sounded almost as good as the Kimber and it's not even broken in! This tells me balanced is the way to go. I'll probably sell the Kimber's to finance the purchase or trade for a balanced IC. Looking for some help and suggestions - thanks!

Showing 1 response by valleyplastic

I think there are many good cables in the 300.00 and under price range. Having gone through thousands of dollars in chasing that improvement that is just not worth it.
Darkmoebius mentioned trying something I never heard or thought of, well worth looking into.
If I had a need for any more XLR's I would seriously look at Patrick Cullen and what he is making up in cables. I have never heard his IC's but about 6 months ago I bought 2 of his power cords and they are very very good.
I think he is cullen05 on audiogon. Many fellows will shy away from these as I think he gets 70.00 a pair and many feel that if they are not $$$$$ they must not be any good. Not true.