Best brand of cable for B&W N802?

I have been using Purist Audio Design Proteous rev B for 5 years now. I have recently purchased a pair of Transparent Ultra XL and compared them. I found the PAD to be more lively and realistic and the Ultra a little more like a reproduced sound. I am using a Krell AVS and 300S and I am curious if there is anyone that has tried NBS or PS Audio Lab Cables, etc. Please tell me how you selected your cable.

Showing 1 response by albertporter

Krell1, you might consider the new engineering marvel from Purist, the Venustus. It is less expensive than Proteous and in some ways better than Dominus.

I have been testing two pair of these in my system and don't think I will go back. They are being formally introduced at CES in Jan, but I think they are available now.

They are less romantic and liquid than Dominus, especially in the midrange. They are wider bandwidth and blacker (lower noise) than any cable I have ever heard. I got nearly 2 DB increase from my phono by putting one between my Walker table and Io phono. The .2 MV Koetsu's fragile signal must have gotten through the new wire a bit better than previous cables.

I have no reason to believe the speaker wire will not follow the same trend in balance and performance.