Best bookshelf/stand mount speakers

Hello everyone. I tried moving my speakers in the room several times and in different places, but still not able to achieve that "it" that everyone is chasing. Currenlty running a pair of Penaudio Serenades on a VAC PHI Beta integrated amp. All first class equipment (as much as I can afford) and was thinking on switching now to smaller form factor speakers to hopefully better compensate for my room deficiencies. I know that this is a whole different topic, but please stay with me for a minute on this one....
I was looking at the Magico Mini II, Q1s, or TAD Compact. Absolutely glorious sound, but unfortunatelly out of my league...
Can anyone please make a suggestion on something similar size and performance wise?
Thank you in advance for your help!

Showing 2 responses by toddnkaya

I am not sure if Vapor Audio is on your radar. There is a very nice pair of Cirrus speakers with matching stands for sale on Audiogon now. Upgrades include amorphous core Raal tweeter, and major crossover upgrades. These are amazing speakers,that can play with the big boys. I recommend buying used if you want to avoid long wait times. I own the Breeze model which are much less expensive but are also stellar performers.
Others to consider would be Joseph Audio Pulsars, Selah Audio Tempestas, Evolution Acoustic Mmmicro Ones