Best bookshelf speakers???

My listening room is about 11' x 13'. The speakers need to go in a bookshelf. Floor-standing isn't an option (my linn keilidh's are saddened by this turn of events!). I'm pretty much sold on the Peachtree 125 as I can get a silly discount on it through my company. I need some help with the speakers---I've heard the Totem Rainmakers (told they're great for this application), friend is recommending the Silverline Minuets. Some talk of Monitor Audio and even the Peachtree Design 5s.....anyway, since they're oging to be in the bookshelf itself, a rear port won't work. That may rule out the Silverlines. Any thoughts---budget ~ $800/pr. Audio source is mp3-quality.
I auditioned a lot of speakers in this price range for my winter system, and ended up with a pair of used Totem Rainmakers. Absolutely love these speakers. I push them with a tube preamp and class d amplification, all digital music. Sound is brilliant. I use stands, so I'm not sure how they would sound in a book shelf.

Hope this helps.
Tetra's 120U, Triangle Titus 202 are wonderful close to wall, if you can find them used. If you have placement flex, consider Silverline 11's (with Rainmakers). I own them all. If I had to chose, easy...Tetra's have the greatest flex and sound great. My room is your size.
Good luck.
I am using a Sonus Faber Toy monitor and I really like them in my 12x14 home office. It is paired with a Cayin TA-30.
I started placing my speakers inside bookcases to make it difficult for my cats to get at the speakers. The bookcases are sealed back, as well, so I have a box inside a box situation.

The best performing speakers in this situation were the Rega Ara (now the R1) and the Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1. The worst were the Totem Mites, B&W 302, and the Spendor SA1. So-so performers were Energy RC10 and Wharfedale Diamond 9.1. I have tried a few speakers out.

The box inside a box situation is a killer. Speakers that perform well near rear walls, may not do well with a furniture ceiling an inch or three away. Make sure to place the speakers as close to the shelf's front edge, as possible. You will not get good sound separation, so don't torture yourself trying. You can get good sound, though.

Unfortunately, mp3s will not sound as good as CDs or vinyl. Fact of life. Could actually negate all the effort put into getting the best speakers.
