
Responses from ravishankarr

Best bookshelf speakers???
I am using a Sonus Faber Toy monitor and I really like them in my 12x14 home office. It is paired with a Cayin TA-30. 
Looking for good match to Cayin TA-30
I have the Cayin TA-30. I recently picked a pair of Sonus Faber Toy monitors that I'm enjoying with this integrated. I have it in a 12x14 room and I rarely go about the 9 o'clock mark on the volume control (3rd notch from Min). While it seems to p... 
Best monitor for bookcase ?
Sonus Faber Toy Speaker (monitors) - they deserve to be on the audition list. They are small, inexpensive, and beautiful sounding. I am listening to a pair right now and they do a great job of pulling me away from typing to listening. They are in ...