Best Bike to ride before a good listening session

Ellsworth Truth, of course

Showing 2 responses by isochronism

Abucktwoeighty, Italian road bikes are the best, imo. I had noticed that the sign of a good shop would have some owner's and/or at least mechanic's personal bikes hanging up. Bike #1: Biemmezeta Chronostar. 25 years ago, An amateur racer in Mass. got the US distributorship for the frame. Upon my ordering of one, he said "I sold one other to NJ. A fellow named Pete. You probably don't know him... he is from this town if you know where that is". He was my bike mechanic/fanatic friend from my nearby shop. HA! Small world! We got a great kick out of that one. Side note: His girlfriend was always ready to leave if he got "one more bike frame"! Bike#2 Cinelli, original cir. late 60's. Bike#3 Alan Carbonio 7 frame. May build it up someday when I get my second wind:)
Chuck Barris from Gong Show fame? Or George Barris legendary Costum Car builder?