Best Bass amp

I was wondering in a 2-way setup(Classe CA-400on mid/hi) which would be best on my dual Volt 12's/side(30-380hz),Krell KSA 250,300s,fpb300(would love a 600)?I do not want to spend any more than $2-$3000.There is a fresh rebuilt KSA 250 a couple hours away but did not want to under power or if a 300s would be better?The 12's are 300watts each but have put a Bryston 14bsst on them with good results in the past,just wanted to try the famous krell bass.
Any advice
thanks John
Thanks guys
I was looking for a second 400 in silver but they are in tough shape for the money being asked.
I am not into 20lb for $2000 class "D" stuff,at least not yet.
I have a chance to acquire a KSA 250 in good shape and was recapped in 2008.I have had a Bryston 14bsst but wanted to try the Krell bass and I am not sure if the 250 will be close to the low SPL of the 14.
If the KSA-250 isn't a good bass amp, which ones are?
Perhaps a FPB 300 would be better? Why? I would like to know as I am also looking for a strong bass amp:)
I never said the KSA 250 wasn't a good bass amp. What I said is that there are other Krells that are better bass amps.
Don't know about "best" in terms of sonics but one of the best values would be a used Eagle or EKSC. The Electron Kinetics Service Center builds upgraded models and services the older John Iverson Eagle amps so they are not orphans.

Great power and control from a package that runs cool for its rated output. No longer so well known as Krell, Classe, Bryston, etc. so can be a great value.