Best audio mag

What magazine do you like best and why.
In addition to TAS, Positive Feedback and Hi-Fi & Music Review (English) are worth a read, along with The Inner Ear (Canada).
The Inner Ear is ok, occasionally they'll review something that nobody else has.
Hi A2Z; TAS=The Absolute Sound-- probably the best high end audio mag. now published--IMHO. While I still read Stereophile, I agree with the above posts in that it's in (maybe) terminal decline. Its founder J. Gordon Holt now writes for TAS. Happy Listening. Craig
Currently reading Stereophile and TAS. Different philosophies, tastes and besides the equipment reviews of too costly gear (interesting but not vital for me) I use the mags as a source for music to hear and for tech input. Think a person like Harley now in The ect vision deserves more TAS space his book I consider basic for anyone in hi fi.... and the same with J Gordon.... left Stereophile The idea of two reviewers giving their opinion(TAS) on same gear is interesting and if done properly give more to the reader than only one reviewers position. I´ve considered Listener but the promo letter I got didn´t prompt me to get another audio mag... Futher positive comments on it´s content quality and maybe fresher approach to hifi might lure me to subscribe. More comments on Listener anyone? Thanks