Best audio mag

What magazine do you like best and why.
Bound for Sound has treated me to the greatest insight in the High-end world. The main reason is NO ADVERTISING. All other Publications especially Stereophile are swayed by the big bucks. BFS usually comes out with reviews months and even years before the other mags. If your tired of hearing the same hum-drum reviews of Krell,Levinson,Rowland,check this publication out. He is also easy to contact through e-mail
Sorry....Stereophile magazine is going down the drain very fast!! Their glory days are gone (unfortunately). TAS is already blowing them away! Great magazine and best reviewers and contributors by far. Stereophile customer service sucks...I have lost two issues (undelivered)in the past year! I call them and they simply can buy back issues if available...c'mon what a bull s.... In comparison, I lost (in the trash) my Nov-Dec issue of TAS. I call them and very nicely said they will send me a replacement free! Folks....this was on a Monday, next day Tuesday I received the missing issue by Fedex!!!!! Can I say more....
Clearly TAS. Mojo, from England, if you're really into popular music from last three decades. Domestic rags could learn alot about information design, graphic design and brevity from Mojo. Stereophile has caved to corporate, homogenized piffle. Jonathan Scull is unbearable! Pretentious and solipsistic to the point where he's become, actually, hilarious (unintentionally.)
He's been that way for many years, it's just that he's in charge of deciding what gets reviewed now, and that's "unbearable". I've not read one cover-to-cover in a year, but my wasting time on the internet is mostly to blame...
I am not sure if it is still published,but my vote would be for the Audio Critic.