Best audio companies and dealers

I've thought about doing this over the years, but never seemed to get around to it. But I'd like to list the audio dealers and companies I've dealt with over the years that have offered consistently good products and customer service way beyond the average. 

Two companies come immediately to mind: Cary Audio in NC and Reference 3A in Canada. Cary offers superb equipment, like the SLP05 pre-amp. And they have delivered excellent customer service throughout the years, and it's always been a pleasure to deal with them. The same goes for Reference 3A speakers. I owned the MM Decappos- great speakers, esp. for midrange, and you cant find a more attentive, professional person than Tash to deal with. 

Showing 1 response by csmgolf

@oddiofyl    Maybe he can nominate himself, he seems to do it often.

As far as companies go, Legacy Audio should be on this list. I have had many dealings with them. In all of my experiences with them over the years, they have  been prompt, polite, and someone always answers the phone there. They produce a fine product to boot.