Best and Worst Websites in Audio'dom

It occurred to me today, as I was perusing various audio-related websites that some of them are REALLY bad.

We all know that AudiogoN is the BEST website (at least in my book), but who's got the WORST website?

Let's hear your nominations for the Best and Worst and what you think makes it so good/bad.

BEST - AudiogoN - Easy to navigate, very intuitive, LOVE the forums. And finally...THE CLASSIFIEDS!!

WORST - Audiopoints/StarSound/HarmonicPrecision/Sonoran/Sistrum/MicoBearing - What a freakin' mess. I hold no negative opinion regarding their products. I've used AudioPoints and Sonoran Cables and thought both were good. But the website! Eeesh! The pictures of the products are not flattering (look at those Caravelles!) and the layout is just atrocious. The info about the Harmonic Precision Amplifier says that "the fun begins once more in 2003". Huh? '03 has come and gone! I could go on, but you get the idea.

So let's hear your nominations.

1 - Audio Asylum (Great forums & I've never been censored)
2 - Audiogon (good forums and great place to buy/sell)
3 - 10 Audio (I like Jerry's reviewing style)
4 - Audioreview (nice place to research equipment)

Basis Audio - I love their tables, (I have had two), but their site is the buggyest (sic) site I have ever been to.

My opinions of course!

PS Have you seen the Basis Work of Art yet?! Wow!
Of the websites I've visited the following stand out:

BEST: Bryston, Sim Audio (lots of useful information, white papers)

WORST: Classe (limited information, a few pretty pictures)
Best -- Audiogon.

Worst -- most high end cable sites, especially the ones that go on and on with the promises without telling you anything about such basics as the gauge of the wire, capacitance, etc. etc. Or, if they *do* offer that information, you really have to dig for it.
Worst- With out a doubt Sonus Faber, I can not make head or tail of any products on that site.