Best and Worst Rock Concert Moments

I will start this off. 1975 Jethro Tull concert at the Seattle Center Coliseum. About midway through the show an M-80 goes off in the crowd in the middle of a song and Ian Anderson holds his hand up in the air and counts to three with his fingers and the band stops playing in mid measure all at once as though some one had flipped a switch. The whole place goes dead quiet for about 15 seconds or so. Anderson says something like "Well, that was bloody ******* RUDE! If you want us to keep playing then you better cut that crap right out and have a little more respect for your NEIGHbor. Do you really want us to play some more?". The crowd slowly starts to applaud and then it builds to a crescendo. As the applause starts to die down, Anderson holds his hand up in the air, counts out loud to three and the band cuts back in full force absolutely mid-measure where they left off.

When the song ended I have never heard such intense applause in any arena or hall for any song at any show. I was completely dumb struck by how Anderson handled the situation and by the musicianship of the whole outfit. Maybe it was a staged event, but I doubt it. Either way, it was really something else...
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2nd best: COLOSSEUM at Keitele Jazz Festival, Finland 2010. They were heading for seventy but played and sang like young men, and Barbara Thompson was absolutely brilliant, with her style of her very own that fitted the music nicely and just perfectly. Of course, we got an excellent drum solo from the maestro himself, Jon Hiseman. As always. Not a single boring moment from these veteran master musicians. Stunning experience.

The best: GENESIS LIVE REVISITED EXTENDED LIVE, Spring 2014 in a small venue in Finland. Faultless classic Gabriel era GENESIS music performed LIVE by the best professional musicians available conducted by the maestro Steve Hackett himself, for three hours with just a short ten minute break. Sound balance & quality practically perfect as well. No drinks, no wives, no girlfriends/chicks messing around, just a perfect illusion of being in a GENESIS concert in the 70´s. Me and my buddy found ourselves shouting "The Knife" ! Nad Sylvan was/is the perfect interpreter for the classic GENESIS stuff. They made the illusion of the music alive in today for those who missed the band in their glory days forty years ago. There will never again be another concert that caliper... unless they do it again. But that´s unlikely. Me and my buddy were blessed. Stunning faultless performance. End of an Era.