Best amplifier for CLX

I own Martin Logan CLX
I am looking for best amplifier for them

My front ends is all Accuphase fully balanced
I have tried most SS but not being really satisfied
Heard Soulution 700 but not in my system
JV suggests is good Match
However my experience suggests tubes unleash the full
Qualities of CLX especially the bass panels
Interested in suggestions from others experience
My room is 10 ft tall by 30 ft by 20 ft
I listen to a lot of classical large orchestral Bruckner and Mahler
Thx in Advance
C3800 Marantz Pre??

If you mean this, it may have been ok in it's day but to partner it with the stuff we are talking about here and these CLX speakers, it's way out of it's league.
The poor little signal from the source that he has would have to go through a gazillion dirty old contacts switches and sliders, no wonder he may have glare in the upper frequencies, not to mention old caps and out of spec components that would be in this old thing.
If you can read circuit diagrams (linked) just have a look at the crap the cdp signal has to go through before it gets to the output, not on with this hiend gear we are talking about.
This may well be the glare source that the OP is talking about.

To download the file, please go half way down the page.

Pictures of them here, copy and paste to your address bar

Cheers George

I would still back going direct into the amps over the Accuphase pre, so long as the cdp/dac has digital domain volume and it's being use in the top 30% of it's range so as not to do any "Bit Striping"

Cheers George
I like the fact that you trust your ears and accept the reality of what you hear, denial can be crippling. You've tried many highly regarded SS amplifiers and yet they aren't satisfying you ultimately. You've listened to tube amplifiers and you seem to prefer them overall, although you note some shortcomings with them( nothing is perfect). It appears that long term with all things considered a quality tube amplifier will make you happier and more involved with your music ( increased naturalness and emotional realism).SS amps will win the specification/ measurement battle yet often tubes win the ears with sound quality and more musical enjoyment. .
I believe that Bvdiman is offering you very wise and experienced advice, he obviously knows your speaker quite well. I don't believe the issue is your preamp either. Continue to rely on your ears and spontaneous reactions to what you hear.
Best of Luck,