Best Amp+pre-amp for 16-18K

Hi all,
What are your thoughts about what to buy up to 18K. I am thinikng of Levinson , Krell, Ayre, BAT? AR MKII for a pre amp or BAT I am not interested in a tube AMP but no problem with tube peamp. They will be attache dto Vandersteen 5A. Thanks in advance.
Take a look at I can asure you they sound probably better than Krell!! Check out the tests by Tom Roberts on this site.

What source(s) are you using? That could change the suggestion's some folks would make.
Jeff Rowland Model 9T amp

Jeff Rowland Model 302 amp

Gamut M-250 250w mono blocks

Mccormack DNA-2 Deluxe w/Rev A Amp

Meridian 559 amps bridged


Jeff Rowland Synergy IIi Preamp

Threshold T 2 PRE AMP

Levinson 380S preamp

Klyne 7lx3.5

Z systems digital preamp.