Best Amp & Pre-amp combo for under $2000 ???

I am making baby steps in my system and looking to upgrade to separates. I tend to be around 60-70 percent music. i am using Def Tech's 2006 speakers. I am leaning toward a Rotel setup, cause i've read good things about the natural warm sound Rotel creates. and especially the performance per price. Are there any other companies or combinations i should look at for my taste? any suggestions welcome. thanks in advanced....

Showing 1 response by sdcampbell

Kray: Unless you have a specific need for separates, I urge you to also given serious consideration to one of the better integrated amps available today. There are a number that are well worth considering, and unless you need an amp with a lot of power, the integrated amp actually gives you higher value for a given amount of money.

Among the integrateds you should consider are the Creek 5350SE, Bryston B-60, Perreau, and Musical Fidelity at the lower end of the price scale, and the Brinkmann at the upper end (you may be able to find one used for around $2000-2200).