Best amp for Wilson sasha DAW

Just received my new Wilson Sasha DAW speakers and am now beginning to sift through a long list of electronics that would bring out the best in them. If anyone owns these and could give some recommendations I love to hear them. I’m open to tube or solid state. Looking for amps and preamp. All opinions are appreciated.
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Showing 1 response by ruisantos1900

The best combination I know for the WA is VTL power amps and ARC pre-amps.I have the WATT/Puppy 5 with VTL MB450, ARC LS25 II, and ARC DAC9.
It’s really good.WA are known for using VTL Siegfried power amps as one of their reference amps.
As for ARC power amps you can’t go wrong with them, but the VTL’s may have the edge in grip, bass and power.