Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?

I have an Ayre CD player, BADA Alpha DAC, deHavilland Mercury pre-amp, CJ MF-2500A amp and N802 - am looking to upgrade amp.
Would like to hear views on Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution.
Not married to tube or SS..
Always wonder about Stereophile recommended components such as Aesthetix Atlas, Parasound JC-1, CJ LP-125 and the likes. I would pay about $5k on Agon so there are some limitations.

Showing 5 responses by iblieve

USHER AUDIO R1.5 is cheap and great for depth and weight on notes.
ARAGON 8008 MKII is also great and not expensive.
@Bo1972 : If Monitor audio is your reference for 3D image, you should give a try at USHER AUDIO speakers. From the S-520 to the D-3, it's all good and High-end sounding!
@Bo1972 : Usher audio are not expensive? Probably as cheap as Monitor audio.
A pair of V-602 for example is around 900$ and it outperformed many speakers up to 2000$. I heard the entry level of Monitor audio and, even if you care about 3D image (i didn't notice that quality anyway), the rest of the speaker is pretty poor on timbres, bandwidth, balance... I'm quite sure a 390$ Usher audio S-520 outperform it no matter what, even on low register...
@Charles1dad : We can't agree more : Hifi is a matter of taste, there is no absolute. As Bo1972 says, you don't have to be faithful to any brand, just the result matter! And that result matters to the listener, not the vendor...
Forums are great to glad some infos but if anyone take those infos for the absolute truth and buy without listen, it's probably the best "sitting duck" for greedy vendors...
Bo is obsessed with Passlabs's 3D image where Naim's lovers would be obsessed with energy and fun(and their savings as well...). It's always a matter of taste until you ear better!...
Don't forget the initial question of this topic! Give some brand names and stop arguing to know who has the bigger P...
Everything you say about optimization is right. Using an Audissey pro is the easiest way.
Amps are of course too different to be affirmative on the final result and you also need to try them on your specific speakers to get the perfect synergy.
So the question is too twisted to be answered : Best amp do not really exist without the rest of the system!