Best amp for Salon 2

I am new here and working on my first setup. I was able to find an excellent deal on Salon 2 as the shop was getting rid of floor displays. Unfortunately they only carry Anthem STR and Mark Levinson in pre-amp and amp. I just heard Anthem and they sounded good. Mark Levinson is significantly expensive. Looking at the specs I could not make out much difference. This set up is going to last for years for me. Are there any better amps out there for Salon 2 ? I would prefer to stay below $25K. 


Showing 1 response by designsfx

I’ve not heard a two channel setup using Anthem- only 5.1:so I really can’t comment there. I would say if you’re preferring to go with solid state try to get an audition with Plinius as well- they are a very robust product.

Personally I would go with Audio Research but I’m a little biased as I use it.