Is anyone else familiar with these two amps? Are they so good that it can be said "they are far better than any other solid state amps out there"? What about amps like Mark Levinson No 332 or the Sunfire 5400 or 7400 or Sunfire Grand cinema? What about the Pass Labs 350.5? Are these that were already suggested Home theater? Thanks for any help. There sure are a lot to consider.
Best amp for my needs?
I have a pair of ML Aerius 1 and am planing on getting a ML center theater, and add two rears and sides. Any suggestions on what would be a good choice for amp that would both serve for music and home theater? Or am I asking for too much wanting both worlds? Suggestions both new or used would be appreciated.If possible give options say from $1500 on the low end, up to $3500 on the high end. Thanks for any help.I am told these speakers will do far better with certain amps above others.