Best amp for my needs?

I have a pair of ML Aerius 1 and am planing on getting a ML center theater, and add two rears and sides. Any suggestions on what would be a good choice for amp that would both serve for music and home theater? Or am I asking for too much wanting both worlds? Suggestions both new or used would be appreciated.If possible give options say from $1500 on the low end, up to $3500 on the high end. Thanks for any help.I am told these speakers will do far better with certain amps above others.

Showing 1 response by gstarr

If you can get a used McCormack DNA500 or DNA250 that would be a great path to take. Another great alternative would be the Clayton S40 Class A amp that lists at $4,000. If you could find a used model you would have a wonderful piece of kit. Both these amps are far better than any other solid state amps out there and are unbelievably great when paired with a good tube pre-amp.