Best Amp for Eidolon

I purchased Avalon Eidolon speakers this summer and am getting ready to upgrade my amp. I currently have a Krell KSA 200s with a BAT VK5SE preamp. I am considering the BAT VK-150SE, Rowland Model 12, Accuphase A-50V, Krell 350mc, and the Boulder 1060. Any thoughts? I am especially interested in hearing what other Eidolon owners are using. Mike

Showing 1 response by mikelavigne

tireguy, i have heard the Eidolons and the Halcro, but not together. of the amps i have heard, i would agree with Rushton, that the Atmasphere MA2 MKII.2 would be the best overall amps for "my" tastes. of the SS amps that have been mentioned, the Halcro might be best, but it is so resolving and neutral (like the Eidolon) it might too much of a good thing. you would need to hear them together.

i had the Halcro DM-58 in my room for 3 days with my previous speakers, the Watt/Puppy 6. the Halcro was a great match for the WP6 and in my system, the best ss amp i have heard.

the Atmasphere would give you most of the strengths of the Halcro, but with the "breadth of life" only tubes will give you. the Atmasphere will give you better speed and clarity than any other tube amp that could drive the Eidolons properly.