Best Amp for Eidolon

I purchased Avalon Eidolon speakers this summer and am getting ready to upgrade my amp. I currently have a Krell KSA 200s with a BAT VK5SE preamp. I am considering the BAT VK-150SE, Rowland Model 12, Accuphase A-50V, Krell 350mc, and the Boulder 1060. Any thoughts? I am especially interested in hearing what other Eidolon owners are using. Mike

Showing 1 response by hifi

Currently, I'm using both Rowalnd 8Ti with battery, n the CAT JL1. to drive my Eidolon. I found the both of them are superd for the SPK. Both most important thing is what kind of sounds you r interested. For the vocal, I think the CAt is much better than Rowland, but for the bass of cos the transisotr amp r better than the tube amp. Afterall, it is better to ve 2 kind of sys u want. There is no perfect 1 in this world, choice what u r prefer the most. Good Luck n Happy listening.