I am a Spectral fan and greatly enjoy the combination of Spectral 360 monoblocks with my Eidolons. Regarding the negative comments of some of the A'goners about Spectral/Avalon, I have yet to hear this combination sound its best in a dealer showroom. At home, there is much that can be done with cable and A/C current handling that can optimize the system sound. Spectral has a clean, neutral, fast character which works well with Eidolons and produces excellent PRaT when everything is tuned.
Best Amp for Eidolon
I purchased Avalon Eidolon speakers this summer and am getting ready to upgrade my amp. I currently have a Krell KSA 200s with a BAT VK5SE preamp. I am considering the BAT VK-150SE, Rowland Model 12, Accuphase A-50V, Krell 350mc, and the Boulder 1060. Any thoughts? I am especially interested in hearing what other Eidolon owners are using. Mike