Best amp for Coincident Total EclipseII

I would be greatful to hear from Coincident Tech. TE II owners as to which tube amplifier works best with this speaker. After swapping in a Prima Luna prologue 2 I was quite dismayed to find it much more musical it was than my Atmasphere M60 or Parasound Halo JC1- now I wan't that elusive perfect amp out there!

PK Das

Showing 2 responses by blindjim

I think Israel voices his speakers with his own amps now... I think he used to employ Manleys... but he is a fan of 300B SET output amps.

Your own preffs may well differ from his intentions but remain in a more warmish tilt, as Chad said.

I'd say at any length however, tubes are the way to proceed.... maybe try some EL34 amps. you can configure them to either side of the fence... warmer, or moure neutral and quick.
Why not drop him an email? things change as time passes... I'd suppose he'd steer you quite well with what he see's as working best with his speakers currently.