Best Amp for Aerial 7B's, under 2500.00

I have a pair of Aerial 7Bs in a large room, over 600 cubic feet of space. I was using a Proceed Amp 2 but it just did not have enough power to drive the Aerial's adequately. I have no problem with a used amp of excellent quality/condition. My budget is $2500.00. Thanks to all in advance...
I need to coorect the space in my listening area, it should be 6000+ cubic feet, not 600. Thanks.
If you can find a pair of Jeff Rowland Model ones, you wont be dissapointed. They are stereo, but can be bridged mono for 240 watts each. Very crisp, with a wide open sound stage. They generally run around 1000 to 1250 each on the used market. Good Luck.
I auditioned many, many amps with my 10Ts. I highly recommend Classe. I found this amp to be far superior to the others that I auditioned for music. Frankly, I was quite surprised by the differences I heard. A CA300 is likely to be a bit much. A CA-200 would be fine for the 7Bs -- do not go below the CA-200. My second favorite was Audio Research, and I actually heard a VT100 with a pair of 10Ts and the result was fabulous! Note that Michael himself highly recommends Classe -- and tends to use the Omega amps at shows. I auditioned Krell, Audio Research, Sunfire, ATI, Classe, Bryston, etc...I thought Bryston, and Krell were a bit harsh in the highs on music, but offered the best bass of the bunch...The ATI and Sunfire were not very musical at all...not even in the running.