Best affordable amp for Thiel CS3.6

I have a pair of CS3.6's, which I am currently driving with a pair of Adcom GFA-555II's in bridged mono mode. While I am fairly happy with this setup, I realize that the Adcoms may not be in the same league as the Thiels. Any suggestions as to what amps mate well with the CS3.6's? Ideally, I'd love to find an amp (or two, if mono) for under $2,000, but if it's worthwhile, I may go higher. Obviously, if there is a great option out there for less money, I'd be even more interested. Used gear is fine with me, if it is quality gear. I am also considering modding my Adcoms to smooth out the mids/highs and add a little support in the low end.

Another consideration is that I am currently using an Adcom GFA-2535 for my center channel (Thiel SCS3) and surrounds (AR TSW-110), and since it is nice to have matching amps for HT, I'd probably have to add an additional amp or two (eventually).

My sources are currently a Denon DCM-460 and a JVC SA-600, but these are likely to be upgraded in the relatively near future. Both are sending digital outs to my Rotel RSP-1066, which handles the processing.

Thanks for any input/advice.

I have listed some of the options that I am considering in my other thread:

"2-channel + 3-channel amps, versus 5-channel amp"

Any additional feedback from you folks is always appreciated!

Thanks, Tom.
One Call has a close-out on a big ATI 5 channel amp at $1,500. You could use it for all channels or as a bi-amp plus center channel for fronts and add a smaller two channel amp for rears.

Note: Must have 20A circut

I just have to throw in my pitch for the Parasound HCA-3500.

They are real inexpensive and have the guts to drive the CS3.6 and the CS7.

I have used mine with NHT 2.9's and 3.3's and CS3.5's and CS3.6's

I have tried a lot of more expensive units and feel I would have to spend several times the Parasound price for a subtle improvement even.

My friend bought one for his CS7's after trying mine and it does a decent job.
Hard to approach for the price and I saw a new one here today so it should even have a warranty.

My friend ended up with a Levinson ML-3 for his CS7's in the end there is no substitute for High Current Capability. Not as smooth as the Parasound or many higher priced amplifiers but very gutsy for the price.

Good Luck
Thanks for the nod to Parasound. In truth, I had been looking the Halo JC 1 monoblocks, as well. There have been some stunning reviews of these amps, but then again I have heard from several "real world" people that they are not up to the hype. That HCA-3500 certainly looks like it would have the brawn to handle my Thiels. How did the HCA-3500 and the 3.6's pair sonically? What are the sonic characteristics of the HCA-3500?

Thanks, Tom.
I can not speak directly to the new mono-blocks with the Thiels.
I have intalled a couple of them but they were more for show than for go,if you know what I mean.
I feel the other Halo product to be somewhat over hyped and I have not been too impressed with them.
The old standby HCA-2200 was a workhorse and had almost enough guts for the 3.6 but lost some control at high output levels.
The 3500 has been a big surprise to me in that it compares with amplifiers much more expensive without a lot of trade-offs.

The thing I like the most is the overall smoothness and number of things it just gets right. No real glaring defects that I experience and I have listened to it with several pairs of expensive speakers.

I am probably going to end up with something better eventually but have no complaints at all with the 3500 especially considering the price.
Like the Thiels the HCA3500 gives a great bargain for the money.

When my friend got his CS7's we tried both a 2200mkII and the 3500 and it was quite educational as to current demands of a truly difficult speaker to drive. Althought the 2200 never shut down or complained there was just not the sense of ease and breath that more current capability brings.
We listened to several amps,Krell,Levinson,ARC,Plinius,Classe and I remembered the old Levinson ML-3 from systems I had done a long time ago.
The ML-3 was one of the first really high-current designs and could deliver seemingly unlimited power when needed.
Another friend had one and we tried it and finally the cs7 had enough to really handle it.

Although the cs7's are in a large room and the ML-3 is not as refined as some of the other newer amps it handled the big Thiels in a way that could not be matched for the price.

We found another ML3 on Audiogon and that is what he uses still.

The Synergy between ALL of the components is what makes the difference between just good and great sound in my experience and as many have stated already the 3.6 will clearly demonstrate each change for better or worse.

I also have never been as aware of cable differences as with the Thiels and that is fairly hard to exhaustivly compare but worth the effort.

I would listen to as many amps that you can afford but let me know if the 3500 has any real competition at the pricepoint.

I would be surprised.

Good Luck