Best 6922 or variant for Conrad-Johnson 16LS ?

Hello all,
I'm looking for 3 matched pairs of 6922's or variants for my CJ 16LS pre-amp. Right now I have the stock tubes and am curious of what NOS tubes may improve the sound. Amps are CJ Premier 12 monoblocks with B&W N802's.

Showing 2 responses by brandon

Thanks JOhnny for your respose to Steve's inquiry. I posted
the same question a few weeks back and the only response was, "Do a search". Now, where did you buy the Tungsram and how much did it cost? Thanks.

I have the 16LS MK I. I'm not aware of a 16LS MK II.
Someone posted here a few weeks ago of upgrading their 16LS
to MK II status, but from his description of the upgrade, it didn't sound like it would be a significant upgrade, though he swears by the improvement. He also says the upgrade is supppose to bring the 16LS preformance up to the original ART MK I. If the upgrade can do that, then $500.00 would seem like a bargain.
Perhaps someone can give us more info regarding an upgrade.

I asked Kevin at Upscale Audio for a recommendation on tubes
for the 16LS and he suggests Russian nos 6H23s. I still have the original Sovteks in mine and will do more research.
