Best 5K HiFi system for Cwlondon

Cw....don't mean to be presumptuous, but this could be an interesting exerise for any "audiophile". So, if I had just $5K to spend on a stereo system, I'd audition the following: (1) Linn Majik integrated $1200., or Classe CA80 for not much more (2) PSB Stratus Mini speakers w/stands, about $1200. (3) Sony XA7ES CD player (used) $1250. Of note is that, at this time, I'd not go with SACD or DVD-A-- yet. Total is now at $3650., and I'd use the rest for ICs, spkr. cables, power cord, stereo stand, and room acoustic treatment; maybe a sub if needed? Any other suggestions?

Showing 1 response by garfish

Cw......the $5K just came outta' thin air-- I like your budget proposal better. And the thread is just meant to let you know that you're not alone in this sometimes screwey and frustrating affliction-- guess you know that though. Cheers. Craig