Best $2K TT Package for VAC

I would like to get a turntable. I have a VAC Avatar Super integrated amp with a phono stage that requires either a MM or high output MC cartridge. I would like to get a complete package for under $2K that will not only get me re-started in vinyl but something that I can easily maintain. I am not opposed to buying used but may prefer new. It seems like VPI, Project, and Music Hall seem to offer options in this price range. Which cartridges should I consider. What would you get?

Showing 1 response by coffee_nudge

A VPI Scout w/ JMW 9 arm and Dynavector 10X cartridge purchased new will fit right into your $2k budget. This whole setup is also upgradeable in affordable increments:

Scout ---> Scoutmaster
JMW 9 ----> JMW 9 Signature (or Plus)
Add an SDS
Add a periphery ring clamp
upgrade cartridge

I don't believe the others you mentioned have such a wide open upgrade path.

BTW, I started with a basic Scout about 2 years ago, and have done this incremental upgrade and now have a Scoutmaster w/ JMW 9 Signature, Dynavector 20X-H cartridge, SDS and Stainless clamp.

I am greatly satisfied with this setup.

Good Luck.