best 2 channels power amp around $3k?

Hi all, I'm looking for a 2 channels amp (150-200W) strictly for music stereo listening. My preamp is the Lexicon MC-1. I've heard so many good stuffs about Krell, Classe, Theta, Bryston, Plinius, Mc Cormack, Conrad Jonhson, etc... Anyway, I'm so confused trying to pick one for around $3k. Can y'all help me please? Thanks

Showing 1 response by garfish

Audiosalright is right on in recommending the McCormack amps and I agree with him 100%. I've owned-- long term the DNA-1, DNA.5, and DNA-2DX. The 2DX is the best but more than you want to spend. You wouldn't be sorry about any of the others though, and I can highly recommend the DNA-1 Dlx, which should be available for under $3k. I haven't heard the latest model McCormacks.