beryllium vs diamond

Hi guys, today's technology has brought us a new type of tweeter made of diamond or beryllium. Do you know what are the strengths and weaknesses of diamond vs beryllium? Which one is the more expensive? Has today's dome tweeter better resolving power than the venerable electrostat? Jim Thiel once said that dynamic designs will be getting better all the time and will probably surpass electrostatic designs.

Showing 4 responses by hifisoundguy

What about speaker drivers made out of Zylon?.. that is said to be better than Beryllium or Diamond.. {Sound Wise}!!

Your be hearing more about this next year sometime!..
Melbguy1, Yamaha is saying this and everybody will find out when they bring their new Yamaha NS 5000's on the market at the end of July, 2016!.. I can't wait until some of the "magazine reviewers" review these speakers!!..

Here's some pictures of the inside of these can ENLARGE these PICTURES below also so you get a closer look!..

These speakers will cost around $12K U.S.A. and all three speaker drivers are made of Zylon too!..
Schubert,,These Yamaha NS-5000's sound D$MN G$$D!...even through headphones!! Even on YouTube!! Sounds like High-End to my ears!! @@@@ @@@@@

And they have even more YouTube Videos on these All New Yamaha NS-5000's !...Man..I love this hobby!! Thank You Yamaha!!