Berkeley DAC Series 1, anything better 2.5K$

Hey guys,

I am about to plunge for a used Berkeley DAC Alpha Series 1 that will set me back by $2200.

I have heard it in comparison with Benchmark and there is no comparison. I did A/B test it with the Series 2, but did not think the difference was worth paying 3000$ extra.

However before taking the plunge I was wondering if there are any other DACs < 2.5K that might beat the Series 1 (its pretty old).

There are so many DACs and so little time so thought someone hear might be able to help. Am I making a big mistake overlooking the new kids on the block (QuteHD or Yamamoto) that might outperform the venerable Berkeley Alpha Series 1.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions.

Showing 10 responses by essrand

Thanks for your response guys.

I get the feeling maybe I should spend some time looking at other alternatives.

Sabai, your comment is very interesting, since I am about to receive a NAD M51 on a 60 day trial though I won't be able to directly compare it to Berkeley Series 1.

Charles1Dad, your post about Yamamoto from sometime back made me mention Yamamoto in my post, I do not know if there is any dealer near San Francisco for Yamamoto.

Mytek was also on my shortlist, I think they allow home trial.

Audioracle, how do I audition or home-audition an Auralic.

Thanks!! I will give them buzz to find out if I can listen to the Yamamotos.

Pbrennan, I found an store in San Francisco that I did not know existed stocking Wavelength Audio, will check them out too.

Am excited that my M51 is arriving tomorrow.

UPS says it going to land here today.

Am excited. Will do A/B test with Benchmark this weekend, and Berkeley Series 1 with my dealer on Monday.
Pbrennan. Heard the Wavelength at my dealer yesterday. What a coincidence that he decided to stock Wavelength only recently.

Heard the WV Cosecant ($4000), it was pretty extraordinary. Beat Rega, Triode and Benchmark very easily, but he did not have a Berkeley for me to compare against.

Did not have the time to hear the Brick.
Maybe another visit.

Man! this is getting harder. Too many DACs.
Hi Sunandmusic,

Thanks for pointing me to the Audio Note DAC kit website, did not know an existence of something like this.

Today I went to the California Audio Show and saw a 500000$ Audio note system. Nice to know a DIY Audio Note exists for ordinary people like me.

Prob will not get the DAC, but when I get into 300B might check it out.

Thanks again.
This weekend has been busy, so have not got a chance to do an A/B with Benchmark DAC HDR, but the NAD sounds great straight out of the box, think its beats the Benchmark already.

Sabai, am curious what USB cable worked wonders for you.

Am also bit hesitant about spending 500$+ on a power conditioner just yet. Will a cheap MONSTER CABLE HTS1000 (<100$) do the job. Seems highly recommended by Marc Salvatore (

Does your NAD M51 directly connect to the amplifier ?

I was directly connecting the NAD m51 to amp and it was pretty awesome.

But once I got a pre-amp (Triode TRX-1) I feel like the NAD suffers, I have not yet put that to a thorough test, but wanted to check if you bypassed the pre-amp.
Its been 20 days with the NAD M51.

Its awesome (only if you connect directly to the amp).

When I connected the NAD to my preamp (Triode TRX-1), I preferred (very slightly) the Triode DAC (TRV-DAC 1.0SE) that costs $2500, due to some tube mid-range sweetness.

It maybe that my pre-amp is still not completely burnt-in.
It could also be the cabling: since I have Stager silver from DAC to Pre-amp , but JIB acoustics copper from DAC to Amp. When comparing the two.
Charles1dad, am still trying to figure it out. Will report back soon after more listening.

I love this hobby. At the end of all your "troubles" you are listening to music!
After hours of playing jazz piano with a CD transport and multiple A/B/A switching. I realized I preferred the triode DAC with the Triode TRX-1 Pre-amp over the NAD M51.

The piano sounded a bit dry with the NAD, but sounded so sweet with Triode that it got my head bobbing to the caress of Ahmad Jamal fingers on the piano.