Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC Owners?

I find this DAC fascinating because of its versatility and adaptability. Seems to be capable of handling just about anything coming down the pike.
But, I'm surious about its sound with redbook CDs as well as HDCD and standard CD transports. If I were to purchase one I would use in this capacity for the immediate future with an eye to higher res down the road.
Yes, the dealer list is very short and poorly distributed geographically, especially in the center of the country. Unfortunate, as I would like an opportunity to give one a listen.
They are a relatively new company and maybe (hopefully) this situation will change in the near future.
Just a reaction to the comment that the dacs give you access to high resolution digital where the CD players don't is not altogether true. Obviously, dcs gear does as do some newer CD players like the Cary Audio 306 Pro and there may be other examples of which I am unaware. I bought the Cary in large measure because it could play CD/SACD as well as do high res audio thru its digital inputs (up to 24/192).
You are correct, of course, that some of the newer CD players have digital ins...which leads to the opposite problem with respect to reviews - namely that the CD player reviews that I have seen focus on the "disk in the drawer" formats applicable to that specific player, and have only a few offhand comments regarding the digital in. I haven't seen much comparison at all of the "high resolution" sound achieved by using the digital ins on a given CD player vs. a given DAC.

In reviews, I hope we are moving toward the consideration of the relative sound quality of all of the formats that a player/DAC can handle, much like reviews used to (and sometimes still do) focus on both a player's redbook and SACD performance.

With respect to my current purchasing decision, I'm kind of looking for someone to say "I had a [high end CD player] in my home system, and I got a [high end DAC], and I listened to them side by side in my home system for a week and concluded that the DAC clearly bested my CD player on redbook performance."

Having not seen this in any review so far, I am reluctantly reaching the conclusion that while a DAC would be nice to have for the higher resolution stuff, DAC rebook performance is inferior to comparably priced standalone CD players. That is consistent with the conclusion that I reached in my own side by side test, but for cost and convenience sake I sure wish it was otherwise.
Well, I cannot comment on comparison's to stand alone dacs. I will be doing some side by side testing with a friend's benchmark dac1 soon. From what I have heard so far on both CD and digital inputs, I do expect to prefer the sound of the Cary (I had heard the Benchmark prior to purchasing the Cary), but as you correctly say, side by side evaluation is certainly preferable to going from memory.

I also agree that with players that provide digital inputs, it would be very helpful to have the review focus on the characteristics of the dac separately. I will be surprised if manufacturers are using an inferior dac setup for the digital inputs as compared to the dac used with the cd in the drawer, but I have no data one way or another.

I am looking forward to's upcoming review of the Cary 306 pro in part because I know Jerry used the digital inputs and I would expect him to comment upon their performance relative to the Benchmark and the PS Audio dacs that he had previously reviewed.
I would be nice to have the Lindemann 820B. I could play a music server through its digital input and sacds just using it. Unfortunately, it is expensive.