Benz Ruby Low Output or Lyra Helkion?

I have a Rowland set up with the cadence phono stage. As my analog set up, I have a VPI Aries with the Graham tone arm. I listen to all types of music. I would be stepping up from a Benz Glider to either of the cartrdiges listed above.

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Showing 1 response by rwd

I agree with Detlof about the break in time for the Helikon......mine is a about 40-50 hours and I am still experiecing some shrill and is starting (slowly) to come into it's own. I still think my VTA is still too high and I will experiment.
I also have a Benz Wood M-2 (not the Ruby) and the Helikon is (at this time) more focused and articulate.
Just MHO.....