Benz Ruby Low Output or Lyra Helkion?

I have a Rowland set up with the cadence phono stage. As my analog set up, I have a VPI Aries with the Graham tone arm. I listen to all types of music. I would be stepping up from a Benz Glider to either of the cartrdiges listed above.

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Showing 1 response by mrvordo

I have the Ruby 2, on an Oracle mk V, Graham 2.2, using a Krell KPE Reference and a Krell KRC-HR pre. I listen to everything except country and Lawrence Welk with my system. I listened to the Helikon and the Ruby2, and the dealer was offering them both to me at the same price. I choose the Ruby. Part of my decision could have been to due to the fact that I at one time had an original Ruby and had enjoyed it very much. But I thought the Ruby a bit more neutral than the Helikon. My KPE will give me 76 db of gain, but I got good results with as little as 60db. The more the better though.