Benz Micro Ruby Z

Does anyone have any experience with the Benz Micro Ruby Z?

Showing 1 response by mrryan

I have been using this cartridge for a little over three months now and absolutely love it. The Ruby Z is closer to the S-class cartridges than it's Ruby 3 predecessor. The Ruby Z's frequency response is very flat minus a slight dip at about 30 Hz (Benz provides a printout with each cartridge) and the treble, although very detailed, is extremely smooth. The Z is not quite as colored as the 3, however, the mid-range does seem to lean to the slightly warm side. I feel that this cartridges' ability to portray acoustic instruments is unrivaled in it's price range. The Ruby Z tracks perfectly and throws a deep holographic soundstage. I am running mine through a Modwright SWP 9.0 loaded at 1000 Ohms with amazing results.