Benz Micro Ruby 2 Impedance Adjustment

Somebody can related me its experiences with the adjustement of the impedance for the Benz Micro Ruby 2 cartridge???... Recommended it's 500-47k.... You have any preference in this range??? Why?
Yours comments will be very appreciateds for me,
Thanks in advance,
If you are able to easily enough adjust the loading on your phonostage, I would be all means do some experimentation of your own over the entire range provided. There are several threads in the Audiogon archive dealing with this question if you search.
I tried ranges all over the map. Ruby2 will sound slow with loading. Load between 15k-47k is my input.
I ran the Ruby with 47 K.

Excellent results, but it is probably depending on System.
Well,,the rule of thumb is 10-20 times the internal impedance. Not sure about the Ruby II, but for my Benz LP the internal impedance is 38, so the range would ideally be 380 to 760. I starded out with 47 k on my Pass Xonon, and that was way too bright. Currently trying 1000, which is a lot better but perhpas still too high. The cartdige and tonearm cable are still breing in, so I will wait a bit before I try to go lower...There was a recent review in a UK magazine by Scott Markwell (sp) who alos writes for TAS. He personally liked the LP at 47 k, and I know that AJ Conti prefer this setting with the LP as well (private email). In the end its up to you - in general , a higher setting will emphasize the top end if you go to low the bass will get slushy. You may want to post the question on Audioasylum and/or search their archives...
For what its worth I went with the Groove phonostage which is factory preset and after discussion with the Groove people their experience for this set up was much lower, around 100 as I believe. I will look it up again and get back to you but the sound is fabulous. If you can easily switch things test it out yourself. I would avoid the very high loading 47 k.
My preamp has plug-in resistor slots to change the load. The Benz US distributor recommended 900 to me. I bought some cheap resistors, tried the full range, and settled on 1000 (if I remember correctly). When I found one I liked, I bought a good Vishay resistor in that value. It might be my preamp or taste, but I preferred the 1000 range to 22k. Try different options and see which you prefer. There is a huge range of sounds between 500 and 47k.
Everyone that I have discussed this with seems to prefer about 22k ohm loading on that cartridge. This is also the load that is factory set in the Benz-Lukaschek phono stage that is made for that cartridge.

I'd suggest trying that load first, and maybe making some minor adjustments from there, if needed.