Benz Ebony TR or Lyra Kleos SL?

...or a custom 0.18mV Colibri XCW?
Some background, I have the old ARC Ref Phono that I've been running a custom H.O. Colibri XCP (1.0mV) into the MM input on. This because I found the previous = or less than 0.32mV cartrides I had to sound better into MM bypassing the Jensen SUTs in the MC input. From research I believe the reason to be that the SUT config might prefer carts of less than 5ohms or loading of ~100ohms. There might be other reasons, but I'm itching to revisit a LOMC and the 3 above are on my shortlist. The 3rd option (XCW) would have more than 15ohms resistance though, but VdH say they recommend ~100ohms thus its inclusion. Your thoughts?

Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear Vusi_kumalo: Stringreen posted:

++++ " If you are willing to get a great pre... " +++++

IMHO means no sense to buy a top LOMC cartridge if your phonolinepreamp can't honor it or preclude that that top quality perfromance cartridge can shows you at its best.

The very low output VdH is a great cartridge ( I own and owned several Vdh Colibri. ) but you need an active high gain phonolinepreamp, same with the TR.

IMHO your AR item could be a limitations for those great performers.

Regards and enjoy the music,