Benefits of tube sound with SS amp with tube cdp?

I have read the countless threads regarding the sound benefits of ss amp with tube preamp. It seems like where I'd like to be (firm bass with smooth mids and highs). I'm running my Jolida JD100 tube cdp directly to my Krell amp (using EVS attenuators for volume control). Am I getting the benefits of "tube sound" from my cdp or would the addition of a tube preamp be beneficial. My speakers are N805 and my listening preferences are instrumental and vocal jazz.

Showing 1 response by michgnrick

Hello everyone. I too have the LS-12 pre-amp. I would like to incorperate some tubes in my system. Should I start with the pre-amp,amp or cdp? The amp is a PS-Audio, the cdp is the Phillips 963. I like the sacd capabilities of the Phillips so I am leaning towards swapping out the pre-amp for a tubed model. Any suggestions on which pre-amp. Thanks